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David, prof. dr. Lentink

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David Lentink

David Lentink is hoogleraar biomimetica  aan de faculteit Science and Engineering en bestudeert alles wat door de lucht ‘zweeft en flappert’. Zo ontrafelt hij veel fascinerende trucjes in de natuur, die hij gebruikt om vliegende robots te ontwikkelen die efficiënter en flexibeler zijn. Hij is gefascineerd door de kunst van vliegen en legt in zijn lab vol windtunnels en lasers de link tussen het vliegen van vogels en robotica. Zijn interessegebied is daarom ook biomimetica, biomechanica, biofluïdynamica, luchtrobotica en bio-geïnspireerd ontwerp bij alles wat vliegt. Op dit moment integreert Lentink functionele morfologie, sensorisch-motorische controle, ecologie en evolutie in zijn vergelijkende biomechanische en fysiologische onderzoeken. Dit doet hij door middel van interdisciplinaire samenwerkingen die zich uitstrekken van engineering en natuurkunde tot biologie. Hij werkt daarmee samen met specialistische teams, studenten en technisch personeel.

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Chang, E., Chin, D. D., & Lentink, D. (2024). Bird-inspired reflexive morphing enables rudderless flight. Science Robotics, 9(96), Article eado4535.
Deetjen, M. E., Chin, D. D., Heers, A. M., Tobalske, B. W., & Lentink, D. (2024). Small deviations in kinematics and body form dictate muscle performances in the finely tuned avian downstroke. ELIFE SCIENCES PUBLICATIONS LTD.


Hoffmann, K. A. W., Chen, T. G., Cutkosky, M. R., & Lentink, D. (2023). Bird-inspired robotics principles as a framework for developing smart aerospace materials. Journal of Composite Materials, 57(4), 679-710.


Chen, T. G., Hoffmann, K. A. W., Low, J. E., Nagami, K., Lentink, D., & Cutkosky, M. R. (2022). Aerial Grasping and the Velocity Sufficiency Region. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(4), 10009-10016.
Chin, D. D., & Lentink, D. (2022). Birds both avoid and control collisions by harnessing visually guided force vectoring. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 19(191), Article 20210947.


Roderick, W. R. T., Cutkosky, M. R., & Lentink, D. (2021). Bird-inspired dynamic grasping and perching in arboreal environments. Science Robotics, 6(61), Article 7562.
Hightower, B. J., Wijnings, P. W., Scholte, R., Ingersoll, R., Chin, D. D., Nguyen, J., Shorr, D., & Lentink, D. (2021). How oscillating aerodynamic forces explain the timbre of the hummingbird's hum and other animals in flapping flight. eLife, 10, Article e63107.
Schachat, S. R., Boyce, C. K., Payne, J. L., & Lentink, D. (2021). Lepidoptera demonstrate the relevance of Murray's Law to circulatory systems with tidal flow. BMC Biology, 19(1), Article 204.
Bagheri, H., Huang, Z., Lentink, D., & Marvi, H. (2021). The role of basilisk lizard toe fringes in effective water running. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 61, E35-E35.


Jeffries, L., & Lentink, D. (2020). Design Principles and Function of Mechanical Fasteners in Nature and Technology. Applied Mechanics Reviews, 72(5), Article 050802.
Chin, D. D., & Lentink, D. (2020). Fluid moment and force measurement based on control surface integration. Experiments in Fluids, 61(1), Article 18.
Matloff, L. Y., Chang, E., Feo, T. J., Jeffries, L., Stowers, A. K., Thomson, C., & Lentink, D. (2020). How flight feathers stick together to form a continuous morphing wing. Science, 367(6475), 293-297.
Chang, E., Matloff, L. Y., Stowers, A. K., & Lentink, D. (2020). Soft biohybrid morphing wings with feathers underactuated by wrist and finger motion. Science Robotics, 5(38), Article eaay1246.
Deetjen, M. E., Chin, D. D., & Lentink, D. (2020). The aerodynamic force platform as an ergometer. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223(10), Article jeb220475.


Baker, S. W., Tucci, E. R., Felt, S. A., Zehnder, A., Lentink, D., & Vilches-Moure, J. G. (2019). A Bird's-Eye View of Regulatory, Animal Care, and Training Considerations Regarding Avian Flight Research. Comparative medicine, 69(3), 169-178.
Roderick, W. R., Chin, D. D., Cutkosky, M. R., & Lentink, D. (2019). Birds land reliably on complex surfaces by adapting their foot-surface interactions upon contact. eLife, 8, Article e46415.
Chin, D. D., & Lentink, D. (2019). Birds repurpose the role of drag and lift to take off and land. Nature Communications, 10(1), Article 5354.
Quinn, D., Kress, D., Chang, E., Stein, A., Wegrzynski, M., & Lentink, D. (2019). How lovebirds maneuver through lateral gusts with minimal visual information. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116(30), 15033-15041.


Lentink, D. (2018). Accurate fluid force measurement based on control surface integration. Experiments in Fluids, 59(1), Article 22.
Deetjen, M. E., & Lentink, D. (2018). Automated calibration of multi-camera-projector structured light systems for volumetric high-speed 3D surface reconstructions. Optics Express, 26(25), 33278-33304.
Ingersoll, R., Haizmann, L., & Lentink, D. (2018). Biomechanics of hover performance in Neotropical hummingbirds versus bats. Science Advances, 4(9), Article aat2980.
Ingersoll, R., & Lentink, D. (2018). How the hummingbird wingbeat is tuned for efficient hovering. Journal of Experimental Biology, 221(20).


Quinn, D. B., Van Halder, Y., & Lentink, D. (2017). Adaptive control of turbulence intensity is accelerated by frugal flow sampling. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 14(136), Article 20170621.
Quinn, D. B., Watts, A., Nagle, T., & Lentink, D. (2017). A new low-turbulence wind tunnel for animal and small vehicle flight experiments. Royal Society Open Science, 4(3), Article 160960.
Roderick, W. R. T., Jiang, H., Wang, S., Lentink, D., & Cutkosky, M. R. (2017). Bioinspired grippers for natural curved surface perching. In N. Lepora, M. Mangan, T. Prescott, M. Cutkosky, A. Mura, & P. F. M. J. Verschure (Eds.), Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems - 6th International Conference, Living Machines 2017, Proceedings (pp. 604-610). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 10384 LNAI). Springer Verlag.
Lentink, D. (2017). Coevolving advances in animal flight and aerial robotics. Interface Focus, 7(1), Article 20160119.
Hightower, B. J., Ingersoll, R., Chin, D. D., Lawhon, C., Haselsteiner, A. F., & Lentink, D. (2017). Design and analysis of aerodynamic force platforms for free flight studies. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 12(6), Article 064001.
Deetjen, M. E., Biewener, A. A., & Lentink, D. (2017). High-speed surface reconstruction of a flying bird using structured light. Journal of Experimental Biology, 220(11), 1956-1961.
Chin, D. D., & Lentink, D. (2017). How birds direct impulse to minimize the energetic cost of foraging flight. Science Advances, 3(5), Article e1603041.
Stowers, A. K., Matloff, L. Y., & Lentink, D. (2017). How pigeons couple three-dimensional elbow and wrist motion to morph their wings. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 14(133), Article 20170224.
Chin, D. D., Matloff, L. Y., Stowers, A. K., Tucci, E. R., & Lentink, D. (2017). Inspiration for wing design: How forelimb specialization enables active flight in modern vertebrates. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 14(131), Article 20170240.
Gutierrez, E., Quinn, D. B., Chin, D. D., & Lentink, D. (2017). Lift calculations based on accepted wake models for animal flight are inconsistent and sensitive to vortex dynamics. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 12(1), Article 016004.
Brighton, C. H., Thomas, A. L. R., Taylor, G. K., & Lentink, D. (2017). Terminal attack trajectories of peregrine falcons are described by the proportional navigation guidance law of missiles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(51), 13495-13500.
Skandalis, D. A., Segre, P. S., Bahlman, J. W., Groom, D. J. E., Welch, K. C., Witt, C. C., McGuire, J. A., Dudley, R., Lentink, D., & Altshuler, D. L. (2017). The biomechanical origin of extreme wing allometry in hummingbirds. Nature Communications, 8(1), Article 1047.
Roderick, W. R. T., Cutkosky, M. R., & Lentink, D. (2017). Touchdown to take-off: At the interface of flight and surface locomotion. Interface Focus, 7(1), Article 20160094.


Chin, D. D., & Lentink, D. (2016). Flapping wing aerodynamics: From insects to vertebrates. Journal of Experimental Biology, 219(7), 920-932.
Leutenegger, S., Hürzeler, C., Stowers, A. K., Alexis, K., Achtelik, M. W., Lentink, D., Oh, P. Y., & Siegwart, R. (2016). Flying Robots. In B. Siciliano, & O. Khatib (Eds.), Springer Handbook of Robotics (pp. 623-669). Springer.
Hawkes, E. W., & Lentink, D. (2016). Fruit fly scale robots can hover longer with flapping wings than with spinning wings. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 13(123), Article 20160730.


Van Bokhorst, E., De Kat, R., Elsinga, G. E., & Lentink, D. (2015). Feather roughness reduces flow separation during low Reynolds number glides of swifts. Journal of Experimental Biology, 218(20), 3179-3191.
Stowers, A. K., & Lentink, D. (2015). Folding in and out: Passive morphing in flapping wings. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 10(2), 1-16. Article 025001.
Kress, D., Van Bokhorst, E., & Lentink, D. (2015). How Lovebirds Maneuver Rapidly Using Super-Fast Head Saccades and Image Feature Stabilization. PLoS ONE, 10(6), Article 0129287.
Lentink, D., Haselsteiner, A. F., & Ingersoll, R. (2015). In vivo recording of aerodynamic force with an aerodynamic force platform: From drones to birds. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 12(104), Article 20141283.
Kruyt, J. W., Van Heijst, G. J. F., Altshuler, D. L., & Lentink, D. (2015). Power reduction and the radial limit of stall delay in revolving wings of different aspect ratio. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 12(105), Article 20150051.
Pete, A. E., Kress, D., Dimitrov, M. A., & Lentink, D. (2015). The role of passive avian head stabilization in flapping flight. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 12(110), Article 20150508.


Lentink, D. (2014). Bioinspired flight control. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 9(2), Article 020301.
Lentink, D., & De Kat, R. (2014). Gliding swifts attain laminar flow over rough wings. PLoS ONE, 9(6), Article e99901.
Kruyt, J. W., Quicazán-Rubio, E. M., Van Heijst, G. F., Altshuler, D. L., & Lentink, D. (2014). Hummingbird wing efficacy depends on aspect ratio and compares with helicopter rotors. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 11(99), Article 0585.
Altshuler, D. L., Bahlman, J. W., Dakin, R., Gaede, A. H., Goller, B., Lentink, D., Segre, P. S., & Skandalis, D. A. (2014). The biophysics of bird flight: Functional relationships integrate aerodynamics, morphology, kinematics, muscles, and sensors. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 93(12), 961-975.


Lentink, D. (2013). Biomimetics: Flying like a fly. Nature, 498(7454), 306-307.


Müller, U. K., Wasim, A., Fontaine, E., Berg, O., Cao, Y., Lentink, D., Kranenbarg, S., & Van Leeuwen, J. L. (2010). Fish and flag - Exploring fluid-structure interaction during undulatory swimming in fish. In 6th World Congress of Biomechanics, WCB 2010 - In Conjunction with 14th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, ICBME and 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Biomechanics, APBiomech (pp. 44-47). (IFMBE Proceedings; Vol. 31 IFMBE). Springer Verlag.
Lentink, D., & Biewener, A. A. (2010). Nature-inspired flight-beyond the leap. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics, 5(4), Article 040201.
Jongerius, S. R., & Lentink, D. (2010). Structural analysis of a dragonfly wing. Experimental Mechanics, 50(9), 1323-1334.
Lentink, D., Jongerius, S. R., & Bradshaw, N. L. (2010). The scalable design of flapping micro-air vehicles inspired by insect flight. In D. Floreano, J.-C. Zufferey, M. V. Srinivasan, & C. Ellington (Eds.), Flying Insects and Robots (pp. 185-205). Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
Lentink, D., Van Heijst, G. F., Muijres, F. T., & Van Leeuwen, J. L. (2010). Vortex interactions with flapping wings and fins can be unpredictable. Biology Letters, 6(3), 394-397.
Muijres, F. T., & Lentink, D. (2010). Wake visualization of a heaving and pitching foil in a soap film. In G. K. Taylor, M. S. Triantafyllou, & C. Tropea (Eds.), Animal Locomotion (pp. 27-35). Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.


Lentink, D., & Dickinson, M. H. (2009). Biofluiddynamic scaling of flapping, spinning and translating fins and wings. Journal of Experimental Biology, 212(16), 2691-2704.
Lentink, D., Dickson, W. B., Van Leeuwen, J. L., & Dickinson, M. H. (2009). Leading-edge vortices elevate lift of autorotating plant seeds. Science, 324(5933), 1438-1440.
Lentink, D., & Dickinson, M. H. (2009). Rotational accelerations stabilize leading edge vortices on revolving fly wings. Journal of Experimental Biology, 212(16), 2705-2719.


Bradshaw, N. L., & Lentink, D. (2008). Aerodynamic and structural dynamic identification of a flapping wing micro air vehicle. Paper presented at 26th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Honolulu, HI, United States.
Fontaine, E., Lentink, D., Kranenbarg, S., Müller, U. K., Van Leeuwen, J. L., Barr, A. H., & Burdick, J. W. (2008). Automated visual tracking for studying the ontogeny of zebrafish swimming. Journal of Experimental Biology, 211(8), 1305-1316.
Bos, F. M., Lentink, D., Van oudheusden, B. W., & Bijl, H. (2008). Influence of wing kinematics on aerodynamic performance in hovering insect flight. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 594, 341-368.
Lentink, D., Muijres, F. T., Donker-Duyvis, F. J., & Van Leeuwen, J. L. (2008). Vortex-wake interactions of a flapping foil that models animal swimming and flight. Journal of Experimental Biology, 211(2), 267-273.


Bos, F. M., Lentink, D., Van Oudheusden, B. W., & Bijl, H. (2007). Numerical study of kinematic wing models of hovering insect flight. In Collection of Technical Papers - 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting (pp. 5782-5799). (Collection of Technical Papers - 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting; Vol. 9). American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc..
Muijres, F. T., & Lentink, D. (2007). Wake visualization of a heaving and pitching foil in a soap film. Experiments in Fluids, 43(5), 665-673.


Müller, U. K., & Lentink, D. (2004). Turning on a dime. Science, 306(5703), 1899-1900.


Lentink, D., & Gerritsma, M. (2003). Influence of airfoil shape on performance in insect flight. In 33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit (33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit). American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc..
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