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Dijkstra, Prof. Arie

Arie Dijkstra
Arie Dijkstra

Prof. Arie Dijkstra (Hoogeveen, 1961) is professor of the Social Psychology of Health and Illness at the University of Groningen. Dijkstra is specialized in the psychology of health behaviour and addiction. He has published on this topic in renowned journals such as Addiction and Health Psychology.

Dijkstra emphasizes that changing unhealthy behaviour can take time. It is a learning process and subject to ‘if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again’. Ex-smokers, for example, eventually learn that they can manage without cigarettes, and that life without smoking can also be good or even better. That’s something they have to realize themselves. The government does have an influence on unhealthy behaviour, for example by keeping tobacco affordable and permitting adverts for alcohol. That’s why the government should also bear some of the responsibility for supporting people towards healthy behaviour.

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Article de Volkskrant
Article de Volkskrant

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Last modified:08 July 2024 08.57 a.m.
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