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Fokker Next Gen strengthens ties with the Northern Netherlands

30 September 2024

Hydrogen aircraft manufacturer Fokker Next Gen will conduct a feasibility study for establishing the Fokker Next Gen headquarters in the Northern Netherlands and a final assembly line at Groningen Airport Eelde, where the company aims to carry out the assembly and testing of the new generation of hydrogen aircraft. In addition, Fokker Next Gen wants to set up an Engineering Center of Excellence Hydrogen Aircraft Operations (CEHAO). Groningen Airport Eelde , the three northern provinces, NOM, Groningen Seaports, FB Oranjewoud, University of Groningen, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Noorderpoort, and Alfa College have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for this purpose.

Fokker Next Gen aims to convert an existing Fokker 100 into a hydrogen-powered aircraft. In 2027, the company plans to conduct a first test flight in the Northern Netherlands. The company has chosen this location because of the space Groningen Airport Eelde  can offer for the construction of an assembly hall, the proximity of hydrogen production facilities, and the direct sea connection with Latvia, where an important production line of Fokker Next Gen is located.

United for zero-emission aviation

Jouke de Vries, Chair of the Board of the University of Groningen and involved in the Fokker Next Gen initiative on behalf of the University of the North: ‘The presence of multilevel — vocational, applied sciences, university — teaching and research facilities makes the Northern Netherlands an attractive location for knowledge-intensive and innovative companies such as Fokker Next Gen.  We look forward to working together with the other parties involved in the project to advocate for zero-emission aviation. With the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding, which also includes the development of an Engineering Center of Excellence Hydrogen Aircraft Operations (CEHAO), an important first step has been taken.’

More information

For further information about the Engineering Center of Excellence Hydrogen Aircraft Operations (CEHAO), please contact Ilse van der Hoek.

Last modified:30 September 2024 2.36 p.m.
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