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Symposium 'From tensions to opportunities'

27 May 2024

How to work effectively and meaningfully with internationalisation and diversity in study programs and disciplines? Internationalisation is under attack. Debates are increasingly polarised. At the same time, internationalisation and diversity are everywhere and offer much potential value. The question is how can we work effectively and meaningfully with internationalisation and diversity.

A symposium on this topic will be organised on 20 June. It builds on the PhD research by Franka van den Hende regarding curriculum internationalisation as a dynamic organisational change process.

Two external experts, Professor Fiona Hunter (Milan) and Professor Jos Beelen (the Hague) will discuss the process of working with internationalisation and diversity in study programs and what we can learn from organisational change theory. They will address the critical role of academic staff and their disciplinary contexts and point out what higher education institutions can do to support the process and the staff and students involved, to create added value in teaching and learning.

Next, academics from various disciplines will engage in a panel discussion. There will be ample space for the audience for questions and discussion.

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Practical information

Chair: Professor Robert Coelen

Entrance: free for staff and students (no registration required)

Date: 20 June, 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Venue: Academy Building, Zernikezaal

You can also follow the symposium by scanning the QR code. You can watch the livestream there.

Supported by Department of International Strategic Relations, Faculty Campus Fryslan, and FEB Research Institute/OPERA

Last modified:28 May 2024 3.21 p.m.
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