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Young Academy Groningen and Louise Gunning: creating awareness together

16 november 2016

The Young Academy Groningen hosted Professor Louise Gunning, president of the Nationale Wetenschapsagenda (NWA, Dutch National Research Agenda) on Monday 14 November. The Young Academy Groningen is an organization for the University’s most talented, enthusiastic and ambitious young researchers, aiming to unite young researchers from different disciplines and to contribute to viewpoints on science policy and talent development.

Professor Louise Gunning: "Young researchers can get the voice out, connect to the public, show that what we do benefits society and help them understand why this is important."

Impact of the Dutch National Research Agena

The event aimed to raise awareness on how the Dutch National Research Agenda will impact the academic research landscape and was attended by approximately 65 partici pants including Professor Sibrand Poppema, president of the Board of the University.

Roundtable discussion

In addition to an interactive discussion between Professor Gunning and Young Academy members, a roundtable discussion was hosted where young researchers and members of the University community discussed the impact of the Nationale Wetenschapsagenda on the research landscape, both at the University of Groningen and throughout The Netherlands.

"I was very pleased that the Young Academy Groningen organized this roundtable discussion."

Creating much needed awareness

The Young Academy's roundtable event helped to create much needed awareness concerning the Dutch National Research Agenda at the University. More funding and continuous involvement from all parties (academic, political, society) will facilitate its successful implementation.

More information

Laatst gewijzigd:30 maart 2020 10:59
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