PhD ceremony Mr. A. Lotsi: State space and graphical models for estimating networks dynamics
When: | Mo 17-02-2014 at 14:30 |
Where: | Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Groningen |
PhD ceremony: Mr. A. Lotsi
Dissertation: State space and graphical models for estimating networks dynamics
Promotor(s): prof. E.C. Wit
Faculty: Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Initially, the sequencing of the genome in 2000 was seen by many laymen as if everything about the genetic reality had become known. In fact, sequencing merely introduced us to the players of a very complex genomic game, whose rules we only begin to understand. One way to understand the genomic game is by finding out how the players interact: genomic network reconstruction is an attractive paradigm of genomic science, but inhomogeneous samples and complex time dynamics, means that the rules of the genomic interaction game may be different for different subgroups or even change over time. This thesis develops new methods to deal with these two scenarios.