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PhD ceremony Mr. I. Katsouras: Filling the holes

When:Fr 26-04-2013 at 16:15

PhD ceremony: Mr. I. Katsouras, 16.15 uur, Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Groningen

Dissertation: Filling the holes

Promotor(s): prof. D.M. de Leeuw, prof. P.W.M. Blom

Faculty: Mathematics and Natural Sciences

The electrical properties of several classes of materials depend on the length scale. Interesting phenomena occur when one of the dimensions of the investigated system is in the order of a few nanometers. The investigation of the scaling with the lateral dimensions requires a technology that can reproducibly address the electrical transport of layers varying from single molecules self-assembled in ultra-thin films to micrometer-thick films. In this thesis we employ and, when necessary, modify the previously developed technology of large-area molecular junctions, to address the scaling in the charge transport properties of a variety of systems. Large-area molecular junctions are two-terminal devices which allow the accurate and reproducible measurement of charge transport at unprecedented temperature and field ranges, offered by the stable and leakage-free junctions. The dimensions of the investigated systems range from those of self-assembled monolayers of single molecules to those of bulk films. The junctions consist of an active layer sandwiched between metal electrodes. The structure is encased in an insulating matrix, pre-patterned with vias, or holes. By “Filling the holes” with different materials we characterize their properties as a function of length scale, filling, at the same time, holes in the understanding of the behavior of these materials at the nano realm.

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