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Inaugural lecture Mr Prof K. van Ittersum: Marketing èn Consumenten Welzijn

When:Tu 12-05-2015 at 16:15
Where:Aula Academy Building, Broerstraat 5, Groningen

Companies can help to improve their customers’ well-being, while also increasing their profits. This is the gist of the inaugural lecture given by Professor of Marketing and Consumer Well-Being, Koert van Ittersum, at the University of Groningen on 12 May. ‘Marketing does not have a particularly good image, as most people think that marketeers are simply out to make a profit. I think that despite this negative image, marketeers are in a unique position to help improve their customers’ lifestyle, while also increasing their own profits.’

Van Ittersum: ‘My lecture can be seen as a ‘call to action’ for the profession: think carefully about ways of making a difference to consumers. We must get away from the idea that anything that is good for consumers is by definition bad for business.’

See also the press release: ‘Marketeers: take care of your customers and increase your profits’

  • Inaugural lecture: Mr Prof K. van Ittersum
  • Title: Marketing èn Consumenten Welzijn
  • Chair: Marketing and Consumer Well-Being
  • Faculty: Economics and Business
  • Register by mail:  Stating information Inaugural lecture, name, address and number of requested seats in Aula or Corona (Corona professors only)
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