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Public day in the ‘Open’ House of Connections

When:Sa 24-06-2023 10:00 - 16:00
Where:Grote Makt 21

The UG is organizing a public day in the brand-new House of Connections (part of Groot Handelshuis) on Saturday 24 June. Interested people of all ages are welcome to come by that day and participate in all sorts of activities in the building at the Grote Markt, where the V&D used to be.

Visitors can get acquainted with the building and the parties that are based in it, including the new Schools for Science and Society and the University of the North, through scientific experiments, demonstrations, and flash lectures. We have set out a discovery trail with activities aimed at all ages.

  • Put on an ‘ageing suit’ and feel what it's like to be old
  • Put on a pair of Virtual Reality glasses and participate in several science games.
  • Help to create a work of art
  • Have an echo of your tongue made
  • Get on a hydrogen bike
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