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About us Professors

Professors Faculty of Law


Boschma, prof. mr. dr. H.E.Company Law, i.p the Legal Form of the Enterprise
Bouwman, prof. dr. J.N.Tax Law
Broring, prof. mr. dr. H.E.Bestuursrecht
Brus, prof. dr. M.M.T.A.International Public Law
Burgers, prof. dr. I.J.J.International and European Tax Law
Cannataci, J.A., ProfEuropean Information Policy and Technology Law
Cherednychenko, O.O., ProfEuropean Private Law and Comparative Law
Colombi Ciacchi, A.L.B., ProfEndowed Chair in Law and Governance
Elzinga, prof. mr. dr. H.K.Interdisciplinarity in Criminal Law
Graaf, prof. mr. dr. K.J. dePublic Law and Sustainability
Hertogh, prof. dr. M.L.M.Sociology of Law
Hoops, prof. mr. dr. B.Private Law and Sustainability
Jans, prof. mr. dr. J.H. (honorary)Public Trust and Public Law
Jansen, prof. mr. J.E.Ius Commune
Keulen, prof. mr. B.F. (honorary)Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law
Klingenberg, prof. mr. dr. A.M.Educational Innovation, Data Sharing and Communication Law
Kolkman, prof. mr. dr. W.D.Legal Science and Family Property Law
Lennarts, prof. mr. M.L.Comparative Company Law
Lindenberg, prof. mr. dr. K.K.Criminal Law
Mackor, prof. mr. dr. A.R.Philosophy of Law
Marseille, prof. mr. dr. A.T.Public Administration, in particular the Empirical Study of Administrative Law
Merkouris, P., ProfInterpretation and Dispute Settlement in International Law
Mifsud Bonnici, G.P., ProfEuropean Technology Law and Fundamental Human Rights
Munneke, prof. mr. dr. S.A.J.Constitutional Law
Pavillon, prof. mr. dr. C.M.D.S.Civil Law, esp. Consumer Law
Peters, prof. mr. dr. S.S.M.Labour Law
Poelmann, prof. dr. E.General Tax Law (taxpayers’ rights)
Schutte-Veenstra, prof. mr. dr. J.N.Corporate Law
Smeulers, prof. dr. A.L.Criminal Law and Criminology of International Crimes
Squintani, L., ProfEnergy Law
Toebes, prof. mr. dr. B.C.A.Health Law in a Global Context
Tollenaar, prof. dr. mr. A.Emperical legal studies and local governance
Tolsma, prof. dr. mr. H.D.Decision-making and legalprotection in Environmental Law
Vedder, prof. mr. dr. H.H.B.Economic Law
Verheij, prof. mr. dr. A.J.Private Law, in particular Contract Law
Verstappen, prof. mr. dr. L.C.A.Private Law
Verstijlen, prof. mr. dr. F.M.J.Private Law, in particular Property Law
Vols, prof. mr. dr. M.Public Order Law
Vonk, prof. dr. G.J.Social Security Law
Weishaar, S.E., ProfLaw and Economics
Wessel, prof. dr. R.A.European Law
Wezeman, prof. mr. dr. J.B.Trade Law and Company Law
Winter, prof. dr. H.B.Public Administration, in particular the Functioning of Government
Woerdman, prof. dr. E.Markets and Regulation
Wolde, prof. mr. dr. M.H. tenPrivate Law, including International Private Law
Wolf, prof. mr. dr. R.A.General Tax Law (sales tax
Wolswijk, prof. mr. dr. H.D.Criminal Law

Professors by special appointment

Barneveld, prof. mr. J.Legal Aspects of Corporate Transactions, endowed by VERSYM
Bijlsma, prof. mr. dr. J.Strafrechtfilosofie / Leo Polak
Bregman, prof. dr. ir. A.G.Constructional Law, endowed by BOUWRECH
Burgerhart, prof. mr. dr. W.Fiscal Aspects of Notarial Practice Law, endowed by SBNW
Geerts, prof. mr. dr. P.G.F.A.Intellectual Property Law, endowed by Stichting Intellectuele Eigendom
Glerum, mr. dr. V.H.International and European Criminal Law, endowed by SGUF
Hoving, prof. dr. R.A.Monitoring Criminal Law Enforcement, endowed by Stichting tot bevordering van het onderwijs en onderzoek in de strafwetenschappen
Janssen, prof. mr. dr. W.A.Public Procurement Law, endowed by Nederlandse Vereniging voor Aanbestedingsrecht
Kolder, prof. mr. dr. A.Personal Injury, endowed by Vereniging van Letselschade Advocaten (LSA)
Lochem, prof. mr. dr. J.P. vanRental Law, endowed by Vereniging Huurrechtadvocaten
Otte, prof. dr. mr. M.Organization of Law, endowed by SBOOS
Peters, prof. mr. dr. N.International Commercial Arbitration, endowed by SBOICA
Rheinfeld, prof. mr. dr. J.W.A.Agricultural Law
Sasse van IJsselt, prof. mr. dr. P.B.C.D.F. vanRecht en Religie, endowed by Stichting Groningen Universiteitsfonds
Veen, prof. mr. dr. G.A. van derEnvironmental Law, endowed by SGUF
Vries, prof. mr. dr. F. deRegulary Enforcement, endowed by VIDE

Associate Professors with ius promovendi

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