Name | Chair |
Boschma, prof. mr. dr. H.E. | Company Law, i.p the Legal Form of the Enterprise |
Bouwman, prof. dr. J.N. | Tax Law |
Broring, prof. mr. dr. H.E. | Bestuursrecht |
Brus, prof. dr. M.M.T.A. | International Public Law |
Burgers, prof. dr. I.J.J. | International and European Tax Law |
Cannataci, J.A., Prof | European Information Policy and Technology Law |
Cherednychenko, O.O., Prof | European Private Law and Comparative Law |
Colombi Ciacchi, A.L.B., Prof | Endowed Chair in Law and Governance |
Elzinga, prof. mr. dr. H.K. | Interdisciplinarity in Criminal Law |
Graaf, prof. mr. dr. K.J. de | Public Law and Sustainability |
Hertogh, prof. dr. M.L.M. | Sociology of Law |
Hoops, prof. mr. dr. B. | Private Law and Sustainability |
Jans, prof. mr. dr. J.H. (honorary) | Public Trust and Public Law |
Jansen, prof. mr. J.E. | Ius Commune |
Keulen, prof. mr. B.F. (honorary) | Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law |
Klingenberg, prof. mr. dr. A.M. | Educational Innovation, Data Sharing and Communication Law |
Kolkman, prof. mr. dr. W.D. | Legal Science and Family Property Law |
Lennarts, prof. mr. M.L. | Comparative Company Law |
Lindenberg, prof. mr. dr. K.K. | Criminal Law |
Mackor, prof. mr. dr. A.R. | Philosophy of Law |
Marseille, prof. mr. dr. A.T. | Public Administration, in particular the Empirical Study of Administrative Law |
Merkouris, P., Prof | Interpretation and Dispute Settlement in International Law |
Mifsud Bonnici, G.P., Prof | European Technology Law and Fundamental Human Rights |
Munneke, prof. mr. dr. S.A.J. | Constitutional Law |
Pavillon, prof. mr. dr. C.M.D.S. | Civil Law, esp. Consumer Law |
Peters, prof. mr. dr. S.S.M. | Labour Law |
Poelmann, prof. dr. E. | General Tax Law (taxpayers’ rights) |
Schutte-Veenstra, prof. mr. dr. J.N. | Corporate Law |
Smeulers, prof. dr. A.L. | Criminal Law and Criminology of International Crimes |
Squintani, L., Prof | Energy Law |
Toebes, prof. mr. dr. B.C.A. | Health Law in a Global Context |
Tollenaar, prof. dr. mr. A. | Emperical legal studies and local governance |
Tolsma, prof. dr. mr. H.D. | Decision-making and legalprotection in Environmental Law |
Vedder, prof. mr. dr. H.H.B. | Economic Law |
Verheij, prof. mr. dr. A.J. | Private Law, in particular Contract Law |
Verstappen, prof. mr. dr. L.C.A. | Private Law |
Verstijlen, prof. mr. dr. F.M.J. | Private Law, in particular Property Law |
Vols, prof. mr. dr. M. | Public Order Law |
Vonk, prof. dr. G.J. | Social Security Law |
Weishaar, S.E., Prof | Law and Economics |
Wessel, prof. dr. R.A. | European Law |
Wezeman, prof. mr. dr. J.B. | Trade Law and Company Law |
Winter, prof. dr. H.B. | Public Administration, in particular the Functioning of Government |
Woerdman, prof. dr. E. | Markets and Regulation |
Wolde, prof. mr. dr. M.H. ten | Private Law, including International Private Law |
Wolf, prof. mr. dr. R.A. | General Tax Law (sales tax |
Wolswijk, prof. mr. dr. H.D. | Criminal Law |