Name | Chair |
Aasman, prof. dr. S.I. | (Aletta Jacobs Chair) Digital Humanities |
Bastmeijer, prof. dr. mr. C.J. | Arctic and Antarctic Studiën |
Bos, prof. dr. J. | Computational Semantics |
Bras, prof. dr. H.A.J. | (Aletta Jacobs chair) of Economic and Social History, with special attention to Global Demography and Health |
Broersma, prof. dr. M.J. | Media and Journalism Studies |
Brouwers, prof. drs. B.J. | Journalism, especially news gathering, selection and presentation |
Budelmann, F.J., Prof | Classics |
Casier, prof. dr. T.R. | Global Politics of Europe |
Corbellini, S., Prof | History of Reading in Premodern Europe |
Esser, R.M., Prof | Early Modern History |
Franklin, prof. dr. M.I. | Media, Cultural Industries and Society |
Fuller, J.M., Prof | European languages and cultures: language society |
Hamati-Ataya, I., Prof | Global International Relations |
Hanich, J., Prof | Film Studies |
Hendriks, prof. dr. P. | Semantics and Cognition |
Hoeks, prof. dr. J.C.J. | Communicatie- en informatiewetenschappen, met speciale |
Hoen, prof. dr. H.W. | International Political Economy |
Jong, prof. dr. L. de | East-Mediterranean and West-Asian Archaeology |
Jonkers, prof. dr. R. | Neurolinguistics |
Keijzer, prof. dr. M.C.J. | English Linguistics English as a Second Language |
Knoeff, prof. dr. H.G. | (Aletta Jacobs Chair) Health and Humanities |
Kühn, prof. dr. J.C. | ModernEnglish Literature Culture |
Lehmann, A.S., Prof | Art History and Material Culture |
Leitch, M.G., Prof | Medieval English Literature Culture |
Lobo-Guerrero, L.E., Prof | History and Theory of International Relations |
Lowie, prof. dr. W.M. | Applied Linguistics |
Michel, prof. dr. M.C. | Language Learning |
Moore, O.J., Prof | Chinese Language and Culture |
Nijf, prof. dr. O.M. van | Ancient History |
Nissim, M., Prof | Computational Linguistics and Society |
Noord, prof. dr. G.J.M. van | Language Technology |
Raemaekers, prof. dr. D.C.M. | Archeology of Northwest Europe |
Ramakers, prof. dr. B.A.M. | Historical Dutch Literature |
Reitz-Joosse, prof. dr. B.L. | Latin
Literature and Culture |
Sanchez-Summerer, K.M.J., Prof | Middle Eastern Studies |
Sanders, prof. dr. M.P.J. | Modern Dutch Literature |
Santing, prof. dr. C.G. | Medieval History |
Six, C., Prof | Contemporary History |
Spek, prof. dr. ir. M. | History of Landscaping |
Stek, prof. dr. T.D. | Western Mediterranean Archaeology |
Valdivia Martin, prof. dr. P. | European Literature and Culture |
Visser, prof. dr. A. | |
Voutsaki, prof. dr. S. | Greek Archaeology |
Wagenaar, prof. dr. C. | History of Architecture and Urbanism |
Wilde, prof. dr. P. de | European Politics and Society |
Wolffram, prof. dr. D.J. | History of Governance and Politics in Modern Times |
Zwart, prof. dr. C.J.W. | Theoretical Linguistics |