F. (Florian) Noseleit, Prof
Hoogleraar Ondernemerschap en Innovatie

f.noseleit rug.nl
Strategisch ondernemerschap
Samenwerking voor innovatie
Ondernemerschap en sociaal ondernemerschap
Laatste blogposts:
The Relevance of Costs in Scaling Social Innovation Projects
How do founders’ personal backgrounds affect their firms’ likelihood to engage in R&D cooperation? Evidence from individuals’ exposure to authoritarian regimes.
Pandemic-Related Innovation: Don't Leave It to Markets
Sustainability transition and innovation: The spatial dimension
Is your company ready to explore remote territories?
Samenwerking voor innovatie
Ondernemerschap en sociaal ondernemerschap
Laatste blogposts:
The Relevance of Costs in Scaling Social Innovation Projects
How do founders’ personal backgrounds affect their firms’ likelihood to engage in R&D cooperation? Evidence from individuals’ exposure to authoritarian regimes.
Pandemic-Related Innovation: Don't Leave It to Markets
Sustainability transition and innovation: The spatial dimension
Is your company ready to explore remote territories?
Overige functies
Directeur Onderzoeksprogramma Innovatie & Organisatie
Lid van de FEB Institutional Research Board
Lid van het Managementteam IM&S Department
Lid van de FEB Institutional Research Board
Lid van het Managementteam IM&S Department
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 september 2024 15:21 |