Onze MOOCs
De Universiteit van Groningen biedt jong en oud, mét of zonder vooropleiding, de mogelijkheid om gratis tijdelijk deel te nemen aan een aantal van onze online cursussen. De meeste daarvan zijn MOOCs, Massive Open Online Courses, die wij aanbieden via het Britse FutureLearn platform.
Wat is een MOOC?
Een MOOC is een tijdelijke gratis online cursus, toegankelijk voor iedereen en overal . Je kunt de cursus doen waar en wanneer het jou het beste uitkomt en met de grote diversiteit van onderwerpen is er altijd wel iets te leren wat je op dat moment interesseert. Een leven lang leren is hiermee ineens een stuk makkelijker geworden. De cursussen worden ontwikkeld door onze eigen docenten, onderwijsdeskundigen en audio-visuele specialisten.
De cursussen Improving Your Study Techniques, Introduction to Dutch en Decision Making in a Complex and Uncertain World staan in de top 100 van Class Central.
Voor vragen over MOOCs benader Tom Spits, MOOC coördinator.
Get familiar with the skill set of a successful student assistant and young professional in this course by our Educational Support and Innovation team.
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Cancer Fundamentals: Introduction to Basic and Clinical Oncology
Understand how humans make decisions by exploring illustrative videos, short articles, and simulations on your own computer.
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Het krijgen van een kind is een bijzondere gebeurtenis, maar na de bevalling kan je eigen gezondheid verwarrend zijn. Ontdek welke gezondheids- en geestelijk problemen je kunt hebben na je bevalling en hoe je weer in beweging kunt komen.
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In this course, you’ll learn how to join the discussion on the potential of AI in healthcare in a useful and realistic way.
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In the four-week course Improving Your Study Techniques you will learn how to study according to the proven 3-step model of previewing, studying and revising.
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Krijg een goede basiskennis van het Nederlands recht met deze cursus van de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid.
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Learn how to master the fundamentals of the Dutch Language in this course by the University of Groningen Language Centre.
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Learn how to master the fundamentals of the Frisian Language in this course by the Faculty of Arts.
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Language representation in the brain can be studied by testing language during awake brain surgery.
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Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing governing bodies across the globe. In this course, you will be introduced to climate science, the societal effects of climate change, and the responses already available in the form of climate adaptation.
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Investigate the role of multilingualism in society by the Department of Frisian Language and Culture and Campus Fryslân.
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This three-week course will help you understand why social processes seem so unpredictable and understand better the basics of social dynamics. It’s designed to show you a new interesting way of approaching questions about social behaviour.
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This course will explore the protection of health data in light of the GDPR. You will learn about rights, obligations, risks, safeguards and many other related aspects. By exploring the changing data protection landscape, you will improve your awareness of how to protect health data in an evolving digital and technical world.
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Explore how religion, culture, and politics intersect with women’s sexual wellbeing.
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On this course, you’ll get to grips with the basics of social network theory, before considering how different social exchanges impact network structures and dynamics of opinion and product choice.
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Explore how to supervise PhD students effectively.
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In this course, you will investigate how governance strategies and policies for making cities more sustainable and resilient in the face of increasing climate risks can be financed and implemented.
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Learn about the seventeenth-century Scientific Revolution and its role in shaping the modern Western world in this course by the Faculty of Philosophy.
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Explore the issues humans face when sharing and cooperating, and use game theory, models, and simulations to identify solutions.
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In 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) aiming to improve data protection for individuals across the EU will become directly applicable. Organisations will need to be compliant with the new rules and should act immediately.
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Learn to understand the intricate molecular processes that evolve in our body when we age. in this course by the European Institute for the Biology of Ageing (ERIBA).
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On this course, you’ll be introduced to the concept of health literacy. You’ll consider the consequences of limited health literacy, why it happens, and where it happens as you examine Europe-wide patterns.
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Mental health problems often develop during the teenage period. As many as 1 out of 5 teenagers are dealing with these problems. Therefore, it is important that you know how to recognise common mental health problems.
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- Drie cursussen in de top-100 beste online cursussen.
- Introduction to Dutch in top-100 most enrolled courses
- FutureLearn and University of Groningen re-think Europe beyond the EU, PSA
- Gratis online college steeds populairder, NOS
- 3,000 sign up to learn Frisian online, Groningen course a global hit, Dutch News.nl
- 20.000 mensen willen 'hallo' en 'tot ziens' leren zeggen, NOS
- Understanding the GDPR course top-10 best free online course for advancing your career, Mail Online
- Groningen heeft 2 cursussen in de Class Central Top 100 MOOCs of all time
- Improving Your Study Techniques bij beste online cursussen 2019
Onze cursussen
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