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Young Academy Groningen Event: Opening up Science with Rosanne Hertzberger

21 November 2017

On 27 November Young Academy Groningen will organize a debate on Opening up Science. During this event the challenges surrounding transparency and reproducibility in academic research will be addressed.

The guest speaker for this event will be Rosanne Hertzberger. Rosanne is a microbiologist who studies the vaginal microbiome. She was invited as a guest on the tv programme Zomergasten and she is a frequent contributor to the NRC Dagblad. During the Young Academy event Rosanne will describe her ‘Open Kitchen Science’ approach and highlight the importance of negative results. After this the debate will be opened with members of the audience. Topics related to Open Science such as “Reproducing results is less interesting than finding new results” and “Pre-registration of studies should be required” will come by.

The event will start at 3:30 p.m. at the Bovenkamer van Groningen. It will end at 6 p.m. The event will be free for everyone who registered.

Last modified:09 June 2023 2.58 p.m.
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