Podcast Je Suis #ProfdeFLE
About the Show
Je suis #profdeFLE is a podcast on the didactics of French as a foreign language which brings you up to date on the latest developments in research on various topics related to language teaching!
In each episode, I discuss in French with an expert in language didactics a topic relevant to teachers. My guest and I discuss what research has found on topics such as pronunciation, virtual exchange or the use of the target language in the classroom. Listen to this podcast during a nice walk and feel free to ask your questions on our next episode on the site!
Newest Podcast
Episode 4: Challenges and advantages of multilingual classrooms with Emmanuelle le Pichon-Vorstman

In this episode, I talk with Emmanuelle le Pichon-Vorstman after the publication of her new book co-authored with Nathalie Auger "Défis et richesses des classes multilingues". Together we talk about inclusiveness, translanguaging, plurilingualism. We discuss research findings on the subject and give ideas for activities for teachers who would like to do more to integrate different languages in their classrooms.
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Last modified: | 03 March 2023 3.31 p.m. |