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About us University College Groningen

Project Presentation Day

When:Mo 17-06-2024 10:00 - 17:00
Where:Hoendiepskade 23/24, 9718 BG Groningen
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Seeking inspiration?

Discover our students' innovative research projects on 17 June at University College Groningen. This showcase of interdisciplinary excellence is open for all. Don't miss it!

Our talented students have explored fascinating topics all year and are excited to share their innovative findings on societal challenges. With over 50 projects covering civil rights, experimental philosophy, neurodiversity, sustainable farming, and more, there's something for everyone.

Don't miss this inspiring event where creativity and intellect meet!

Take a look at our project examples!

The Art Steps

We introduce "The Art Steps," an integrated art gallery within the main UCG staircase. This student initiative aims to enhance student representation, inclusivity, and well-being by transforming a commonly ignored space into an engaging and mindful environment. This staircase is the core of UCG, being one of the most frequently used and travelled areas of the building by students, staff, and faculty. Therefore, putting our energy towards curating this space can have a significantly large impact on UCG. Art has proven benefits for mental health, and by playing with light, colors, and themes, and showcasing student art, we will create a space that fosters presence and a sense of belonging on our campus.

The Male Gaze

We are thrilled to invite you to an extraordinary art exhibition that delves into the male gaze. Our exhibition, Exploring Influences of the Male Gaze on Women's Health, offers a comprehensive exploration of how the male gaze has shaped artistic representations of women and influenced societal norms. This event promises to be both intellectually stimulating and visually captivating, featuring a curated selection of original artworks created by our talented team. Join us as we challenge and reinterpret the traditional narratives through our unique artistic lens.

Exploring the World of Vegan Cheese

Our project delves into the interesting process of making vegan cheese and the biological principles behind it. Despite the rise of plant-based diets, vegan cheese often faces criticism. We'll explore why it's unpopular and more importantly, we'll propose ways to improve its appeal and acceptance.

On project day, we will present various vegan cheeses and their unique production methods. Attendees can sample these cheeses and learn about their development, alongside innovative marketing strategies aimed at boosting their popularity. Join us in understanding and transforming the perception of vegan cheese.

Background Information on Projects

At UCG, interdisciplinary projects are integral to our Bachelor studies, promoting experiential learning through practical, collaborative problem-solving. Students work with faculty, experts, and local businesses, culminating in diverse deliverables such as presentations, art installations, and essays. Project Presentation Day showcases their year-long efforts.