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Saskia Kunnen (editor). A Dynamic Systems Approach to Adolescent Development

18 augustus 2011

A Dynamic Systems Approach to Adolescent Development
Edited by Saskia Kunnen

Published: November 2011
ISBN: 978-1-84872-037-4
Publisher: Psychology Press
Series: Studies in Adolescent Development

The dynamic systems approach is a rapidly expanding advancement in the study of developmental research and especially in the domain of adolescent development. It examines the processes of adolescent development and of how adolescents change, and provides knowledge that cannot be gained by the common ways of studying development. However, new techniques are required for this innovative study of developmental processes and there is a great need for a handbook that helps social scientists to translate dynamic systems conceptualizations into empirical research.

This edited book provides both theoretical and technical knowledge about the application of dynamic systems theory in such a way that the readers will be able to implement this approach themselves. The first part discusses descriptive techniques that describe and assess specific process characteristics such as variability, sudden jumps and attractor states. The second part explores the different techniques for building a dynamic systems model, which can simulate the behaviour of a system to investigate the mechanisms behind the processes. Each chapter describes one technique and is based on a specific practical example of its application in adolescent development. Step-by-step instructions for model building and examples of ready-made models are provided on the website that belongs to the book.

This book is ideal for researchers who study development who are not statistical or methodological specialists. It provides a clear step-for-step description of theories and techniques that are designed for the study of developmental processes.

Table of Contents

S. Kunnen. Introduction. S. Kunnen & P. van Geert. A Dynamic Systems Approach of Adolescent Development. Part 1. S. Kunnen. The Search for Process Characteristics. P. van Geert, H. Steenbeek & S. Kunnen. Monte Carlo Techniques: Statistical Simulation for Developmental Data. S. Kunnen, M. van Dijk, A. Lichtwarck-Aschoff, M. Visser, P. van Geert. The Search for Variability and Change. T. Hollenstein. Using State Space Grids for Understanding Processes of Change and Stability in Adolescence. Part 2. S. Kunnen. Toy Models and the Search for Mechanisms. S. Kunnen. The Art of Building Dynamic Systems Models. S. Kunnen & H. Bosma. A Logistic Growth Model: Stage-Wise Development of Meaning Making. P. van Geert, H. Steenbeek & S. Kunnen. Agent-Based Modeling in Developmental Psychology. S. Kunnen, A. Lichtwarck-Aschoff & P. van Geert. The Search for the Relations between Micro and Macro Development. S. Kunnen. Overview, Conclusions and Future Perspectives.

Author/Editor Biography

E. Saskia Kunnen is Associate Professor of Developmental Psychology at the University of Groningen where she researches and teaches dynamic systems modelling and the application of dynamic systems theory in the field of identity development in adolescence and emerging adulthood.

Laatst gewijzigd:21 maart 2024 14:34

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