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Patricia Beerda about her Honours College experience

The Honour’s College: Looking for an extra challenge? 

Date:29 May 2024

Are you considering applying for the Honours College? Do you like to meet and collaborate with students from different faculties? Are you interested in learning about different fields of study? Do you want to learn more in depth about topics regarding your...

Where's Waldo (Luc)? 

Student Associations: are they worth the hype?

Date:23 May 2024
Student Associations are an effective way to get to know new people, learn new stills and network! ...but are they worth the hype? Luc says, "Without a shadow of a doubt!"
Hylke smiling in between many many many bikes.

7 fun facts about bikes in the Netherlands

Date:22 May 2024
One thing the Netherlands has a lot of is bikes. No matter where you go, you can’t escape them - they are everywhere. In light of World Bicycle Day, we gathered the most interesting fun facts you might not know about bikes in the Netherlands.
Hylke studying outside to soak up the sun.

Studying when the weather's nice: students’ experience (+GIFs)

Date:22 May 2024
Now that the weather is getting nicer and nicer, your motivation is probably flying out of the window. It’s okay, we’ve all been there. Unfortunately, we cannot ignore our academic responsibilities all day every day. In today’s blog, we describe (in GIFs) how such a study session at the University Library goes when all you want to do is soak up the sun outside.

Een belangrijke keuze in je studententijd: op kamers of toch thuis wonen?

Date:15 May 2024
Author:Guest blogger
Veel studenten twijfelen of ze op kamers zullen gaan tijdens hun studententijd. In dit interview tussen drie RUG-studenten vraagt de nog thuiswonende studente Marlies aan Fleur en Jelle alles over hoe het is om op kamers te wonen in Groningen.
Everything you need to know from applying to arriving in Groningen!

From applying to arriving in Groningen: everything you need to know

Date:08 May 2024
We’ve collected all our previous blogs about everything you need to know about the process - from applying to arriving in Groningen. Think of what you can expect after submitting your application, housing, visas, Dutch healthcare and more!
Flyers everywhere you look

Election Blog: What type of student would the parties be…?

Date:08 May 2024
In this blog post, we're going to try to break down things a bit for all of you out there who don’t know who to vote for, by asking a straightforward question: What type of student would each party be if they were a real person?
Here are some tips to help you find accommodation

Hunting for a home in Groningen? Here are some tips to help you along!

Date:02 May 2024
Now that the application deadline has passed, it is time to start planning for your stay in Groningen!
7 tips on overcoming and learning from failure.

7 tips to overcome failure and to learn from it

Date:01 May 2024
Failure is part of the university experience and life. We’ve all failed sometimes whether that is failing an exam, not getting accepted into a certain programme, or something else. Because it can be hard to navigate failure at times, we share some tips on overcoming and learning from it in today’s blog.
My very first King's Day in the Netherlands

My very first King's Day in the Netherlands

Date:24 April 2024
King's Day is coming up, and you can feel it in the air! Living in the Netherlands for two years now, I can honestly say this country never stops surprising me. When I first arrived for my studies, King's Day was one of the first things everyone mentioned. But textbooks can't describe the real deal. Forget history book parades – King's Day in Groningen is a riot of orange unleashed! Curious to experience King's Day through the eyes of an international student?  Read on for a first-hand account of Groningen’s transformation on this unique Dutch holiday.